Borealis Oculus
10 min readMay 7, 2021


Earn $ playing a game? What is play to earn?? DEFI/NFT/BLOCKCHAIN Project: Cryptoblades

“Earning money just by playing a game is like a dream coming true” -Sun Tzu…probably

The recent NFT (Non fungible token) hype allowed us a brief glimpse into the future of digital technologies that are based on blockchain technology.

While people still debate about the possibilities of NFTs another soon to be trend emerged from the shadows of blockchain technology, utilizing everything we new until now and combining it to something truly miraculous.

I’m talking about play to earn.

“The next evolution in how people play, work and live” — Napoleon…probably

Play to earn isn’t a full gowns system like free-to-play, pay-to-play or buy to play. It isn’t limited like those aforementioned variants and it currently is more like a vision.

Something that most people currently don’t understand and if they do do it’s more like a faint picture of what could be, like when we look at futuristic landscapes that may or may not be in a thousand years.

But this new trend is emerging rapidly. It will overwhelm the gaming industry, before we even realize what was going on and afterwards we will ask ourselves how we could ever play games without it.

“Some people can only see what is already there, others see what might could be and bring it into reality” -ScoobyDoo…I think

Twenty years ago, the majority of people scoffed at gamers. They had a picture of an ugly guy in their minds. One that sits in their mom’s basement and has no social skills.

Today the gaming industry is bigger than movie, books, and music combined.

Source: “” -Marketwatch :)

But we are not stopping here. The next destination is Oasis from “Ready Player One”. Envision a interconnected ingame world, in which every game has it’s own economy and every item, skill, building, land, object, person and system within the economy has a $ value attached to it.

In other words,

Ordinary players will earn a living, an hourly wage, not by being one of the best, but by merely playing the game like all the others. No need for a job. The fun game itself will provide a stable income

that is what play to earn promises. and it is by no means and easy promise to make. Ad we are only at the beginning of this new era of gaming.

Today we take another look at one of the upcoming play to earn games, that try to bring that Vision a tiny bit closer to reality.


CryptoBlades promises, that you can earn SKILL it’s native currency by normally playing the game. By defeating enemies, doing raids or providing liquidity for other players.

You can take those SKILL tokens out of the game and into an exchange: For example binance or kucoin. It all depends where the company decides to get listed.

Currently you can use PancakeSwap to change SKILL into BNB, USDT or other cryptocurrencies.

While playing the game you can craft Nft’s, swords for example, and use them to defeat your enemies, improve them, or trade them on various marketplaces.

A possible future: What if every game you play, earns you money?

The creators also promise endless customization.

You can discover new characters, unlock traits and abilities, get sword components and change the character appearance.

In other words: You most likely use SKILL tokens for all of these things, which gives players a reason to use the tokens in the game and to buy them from exchanges


The set-up consists of several industry veterans that gained experience by developing several niche and indie games, which can be found on Steam. Some of them even won awards.

Even though we are not talking about former Blizzard Entertainment executives, these guys certainly know how to develop a product until it is finished.

The team is currently heavy on the development side.

While their social media channels are too quiet for a project with that much potential, they are already in the on boarding process of the marketing agency “Tokenminds” , that also did work for Celsius.

They also took the extra step to audit their token contracts to make sure everything works as intended

Tokenomics / Potential

“Some projects are destined to win others….not so much” -anonymous bagholder

This is where things get interesting with play to earn games.

The value they provide isn’t necessarily measured by the fun that the company provides to their users but more so by the ability to create real wealth for everyone that enters the ecosystem.

Cryptoblades SKILL is a BEP20 Token and joins the rapidly growing Binance Smart Chain Ecosystem and therefore instantly offers fast and cheap transactions of Tokens and NFTs. This point can’t be understated.

Especially since every game or gaming project that relied on Ethereum has been massively crippled by sky high transaction fees, essentially slowing down user adoption. Enjin related Games as well as Axie Infinity or Gods Unchained are just a few of many examples.

Since Binance dropped a massive announcement that they are opening their own NFT market place in june and CryptoBlades developers are already planning a multi chain ecosystem, we can expect NFT’s to be usable in a wide variety of markets.

“Watch closely! in a few years the NFT market will swallow Billions of dollars” -Smart Person

One of the most prominent play to earn examples are Axie Infinity and Alien Worlds. New players quickly realized that they can earn varying amounts of $ daily by just playing a game. The amount you can earn highly depends on how the company sets-up they’re tokenomics and the ingame economies that follows the pre set up monetary rules.

And spoiler alert!: Most of them fail right away. (At least for now)

“I’m doing a play to earn…without the earn and not much play”- every other crypto gaming project

CryptoBlades has a total supply of about 1 million SKILL tokens, which is ridiculously low for a project. The current circulating supply as of beginning of May 2021 is 39 000 skill tokens with a price point of $3.75 per token. The presale was $2.42 and the launch price $3.53 . Presale investors have a lock up period with 25% monthly token releases while development funds are unlocked in 3-month intervals.

  • 20% of the total total supply are reserved for gameplay incentives.
  • 35 for the initial dex offering
  • 10% for liquidity incentives 15% for initial liquidity
  • 20% for development

The current market cap sits below $200,000, which is mind-blowingly low and mainly due to the fact that this project is so new that it isn’t even listed on coinmarketcap or coingecko.

A member of the telegram group decided to put a moonsheet together.

As you can see, the investment potential alone is crazy. We almost have 10x from this point if it reaches 1.4 million. And let’s be honest. Getting from $140,000 to 1.4 Million is way easier than from 1 billion to 10 billion. Especially with an enthusiastic gaming, meme and investor crowd.

1000x would put this project around half of myneighbor alice’s market cap.

But, if you skim through coinmarketcap you will find quite a few projects that achieved that feat. Obviously even more below 100 million marketcap.

1+1=2+2=4+4=8*Infinity = Dagobert D. wants to know your location

But even a $5,000,000 Market Cap could turn a $1,000 Investment right now into $30,000 in a few months time, not to mention the $1,000 to a $1,000,000 potential if this project reaches half of myneighbor alice market cap.

I’m assuming this games popularity upon release will most likely lead to a situation, where a low supply meets a lot of demand, while in game mechanics (crafting, leveling your Heroes, battling enemies,…) encourages users to keep SKILL tokens in the game, which reduces the circulating supply of tokens in exchanges even more.

Also, CryptoBlades is offering staking, which rewards players with SKILL tokens, which again creates additional scarcity and increased demand.

Also, the developers plan to offer NFT’s in addition to tokens as incentive to stake.

NFTs show us how crazy the game industry becomes once every game embraces items valued in $

Another aspect that CryptoBlades is offering, even before the game is launched, is providing liquidity.

They have a pool on pancake swap, which currently offers early investors a 200% annual return on SKILL tokens. This gives investors already an incentive to use their tokens.

*The current APY% is a time limited promotion for early investors

All in all, the extremely low total supply combined with a really low circulating supply, the low marketcap and the already implemented incentives make me really bullish on the overall outlook of the game going forward.

Especially if the bull market for cryptocurrencies continues for the remainder of the year.

On top of that the play to earn mechanics look really solid at first glance and most likely won’t be very time consuming. That means it allows you to play different play to earn games at the same time to boost your earning potential

Another positive aspect I need to mention:

It seems they intend to make the process to get tokens in and out of the ecosystem as easy as possible and this is something I cannot stress enough.

As soon as you play the game free-to-play, earn your first tokens and withdraw them to an exchange…

… it’s a mind-blowing experience because you suddenly realise what play to earn could mean in your personal live:

“ I played this game for an hour and earned a certain amount of dollars and I can withdraw the money and spend it to pay my bills…

Virtual Items=Real Value, Virtual Economies= Real Economies, virtual currencies=real currencies = WEALTH CREATION

Why would I ever play a normal game again if at the same time I can play something that’s moderately entertaining and earn while doing it.”

It is the future and this game will give people a glimpse into what’s coming.

This is a project almost no one knows about and it has solid FOMO tokenomics and we all know how quickly projects can grow from a million to a few hundred million. This project doesn’t even have a million yet and it’s not listed anywhere. No one has it on his radar .


Looking at the roadmap reveals a few interesting details we haven’t touched before.

A lot of work for such a small team

The project will launch in May and with it comes SKILL token governance.

The developers haven’t mentioned anything about it, so I am curious to see how that will play out. If one takes a look at other game projects, token governance mainly has to do with decision-making processes in which the community engages via staking.They can for example vote for a new game system and actively take a part in which direction the project goes.It remains to be seen how they’ll implement it, but getting people involved into the project is always a good thing.

Their own nft marketplace for characters and weapons opens in June.

LIsting NFTs in other marketplaces is going to be implemented in the future

Another section mentions SKILL project integrations.There are currently no other details available. But I keep you updated as the developers start to do more AMA’s and release more infos on their website

Q4 bullet points are a bit too vague, to draw any detailed conclusions, but they essentially want to release a multi chain ecosystem and a platform that may contain more projects than just CryptoBlades.

They also want to do buybacks and this one is really great. Another project that does that and that I really like Is ECOMI. A company buying back tokens from the exchanges and moving them back into the ingame ecosystems is always great.

My opinion:

Positive Aspects

  • Massive growth potential (10x to 1000x)
  • Good tokenomics
  • Binance Smart Chain instead of slow Ethereum
  • play to earn is going to be the next hype after Defi and NFT
  • Small team that already finished projects (Awards)
  • Incentives to use the token
  • DEFI+NFT+PlaytoEarn+Crypto experiment
  • Audit

Things to think about

  • Potential weak play to earn aspect could lead the project fading into obscurity
  • Marketing doesn’t seem to be their strong suit. How much hype they are able to generate remains to be seen.
  • Project needs to be listed on reputable DEX and CEXs in order to gain traction
  • Team doesn’t seem to have any previous blockchain experience
  • DEFI+NFT+PlaytoEarn+Crypto Experiment

Things to have always at the back of your mind

“Bitconnect: Taught naive investors how to invest MORE than you can afford to lose” -R.I.P
  • Crypto Gaming Projects are heavily tied to the overall market volatility. If the market goes down, the same will most likely apply to Tokens and Nfts
  • You should always consider everything in Crypto High Risk
  • Always do your own research and never invest based on what anyone else is saying, even if it Is Warren Buffet
  • Don’t invest more than you are willing to lose.

Useful Links:

TLDR: Watch the Youtube Video about this topic:

CryptoBlades Website and Links are in the video description.

Thank you for reading this far.

I wish you the best life possible, wherever you are going


